Article object
Tables: notes and footnotes
Element or context:
<table-wrap-foot> / <p>, <fn>
- Put table footnotes or notes in <table-wrap-foot>
- Put notes within <p content-type="table-note">....</p>
- Give footnotes a unique id of the form "tab{some number}fn{some number}", where the number after 'tab' corresponds to the id of the parent <table-wrap>
- Set attribute 'fn-type' to "table-fn"
- Use a <label> element to contain the linking symbol within <sup> tags; linking symbols may be either lowercase, italic letters OR symbols in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶ **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ∥∥, etc.
<table-wrap-foot> <p content-type="table-note"><bold>Note:</bold> <italic>R</italic><sup>2</sup>, coefficient of determination.</p> <fn id="tab1fn1" fn-type="table-fn"><label><italic><sup>a</sup></italic></label><p>AMGT from average of the manual measurements.</p></fn> <fn id="tab1fn2" fn-type="table-fn"><label><italic><sup>b</sup></italic></label><p>AMGT estimated using method outlined in text.</p></fn> </table-wrap-foot>