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Instructions for using this documentation

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article metadata

Author footnotes

Element or context:

<author-notes>, <fn>


N.B. The following requirements are for footnotes on authors only.

  1. Contain the footnote for an author in <author-notes>
  2. Contain the word "Notes" within <title> inside <author-notes> (see the example)
  3. Give the footnote a unique id of the form "afn{some number}"
  4. Set attribute 'fn-type' to "author-fn"
  5. Use a <label> element to contain the linking symbol within <sup> tags; symbols should be used in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶ **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ∥∥, etc.
  6. Link the author to the footnote using <xref> within <contrib> (see Authors)


<p content-type="article-note">This article is part of a special compilation entitiled "Otherwordly creatures", and has undergone the journal's usual peer-review process.</p> <fn id="afn1" fn-type="author-fn"><label>&#x2a;</label><p>Deceased.</p></fn> <fn id="afn2" fn-type="author-fn"><label>&#x2020;</label><p>Present address: Department of Foreign Affairs, Havana, Cuba.</p></fn>