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Instructions for using this documentation

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article object

Boxed text

Element or context:



N.B. This element is to be used for displayed blocks of text that have a caption (i.e., these are not block quotes).

  1. Give each <boxed-text> a unique id of the form "box{some number}"
  2. Use a <label> element to contain the numeric boxed-text label (see the example)
  3. Put the caption within <p> inside <caption>

Example of PDF and corresponding XML mark-up (excerpted from the boxed text in facets-2016-0003):

           In the PDF:
           In the XML:
          <boxed-text id="box1">
             <label>Box 1.</label>
             <caption><p>Examples of conservation success stories, with particular emphasis on why
             multiple disciplinary approaches were necessary to solve conservation problems</p>
             <p content-type="box-subhead">Because socio-ecological systems are complex</p>
             <p><italic>Degredation in protected areas</italic>-It is generally.......
             <p content-type="box-subhead">Becuase multiple perspectives are better than one</p>
<p><italic>Conservation of endemic Mahseers</italic>-India's endemic Mahseers are a religiously, culturally, ...... </p> </boxed-text>