Article object
Element or context:
- Lists may sometimes contain title text that precede the actual list items. In this case, the text will display indented so that it lines up with the other list items; this most often occurs within nested lists. See Requirement 3 and Example 3, below.
- Lists are sometimes interrupted in the middle with paragraph text or other content. In this case, the interrupting content should display unindented between the two parts. This is accomplished by setting up each list part as its own list on either side of the interrupting content, and continuing the second list from the first via an attribute. See Requirement 4 and Example 4, below.
- Place the list inside a <list> element
- Set the list marker style to the appropriate type for a given list by setting the attribute 'list-type' on <list> as follows
List marker
@list-type value
Arabic (e.g., "1.")
Lower alpha (e.g., "a")
Upper alpha (e.g., "A")
Lower roman (e.g., "i")
Upper roman (e.g., "X")
Round bullets ("•")
Square bullets ("■")
No list marker
- If a list contains text that precedes the actual list items, then set the text in <title> tags within the list; (see title text "Note the following" in Example, Requirement #2, below)
- If a list is interrupted part way through with paragraph text or other content, then do the following
- Set the first part of the list as a list with opening and closing <list> tags.
- Assign the first list part an id of the form "li1".
- Tag the second part of the list within a separate set of <list> tags. Set the attribute 'continued-from' on <list> to the id value of the first list part.
Example 1: A simple list
A. The XML
The amplification steps were as follows: <list list-type="lower-roman"> <list-item><p>Saturation</p></list-item> <list-item><p>Denaturation</p></list-item> <list-item><p>Elongation</p></list-item> </list>
Example 2: Recursive lists, with a <title> in the second list
A. The XML
The amplification profile was as follows: <list list-type="arabic"> <list-item><p>Initial denaturation at94°C for 5 min </p></list-item><list-item><p>Thirty cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s </p></list-item><list-item><p>Extension and final polymerization at 72°C</p></list-item> <list-item><p>Staining with ethidium bromide</p><list list-type="square"><title>Note the following:</title><list-item><p>Ethidium bromide (EtBr) was used at 5 and 10 µg/mL</p></list-item> <list-item><p> GenTek and Pharmacopia were both suppliers</p></listitem></list></list-item> <list-item><p>Redenaturation and realignment for 50 s at 12°C, followed by staining with ethidium bromide, as in step 4, above</p></list-item> </list>
B. The display (HTML or PDF)
The amplification profile was as follows:
- Initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min
- Thirty cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s
- Extension and final polymerization at 72°C
- Staining with ethidium bromide
- Note the following:
- Ethidium bromide (EtBr) was used at 5 and 10 µg/mL
- GenTek and Pharmacopia were both suppliers
- Redenaturation and realignment for 50 s at 12°C, followed by staining with ethidium bromide, as in step 4, above
Example 3: A list that continues from a preceding list
A. The XML
<p>The amplification profile was as follows: <list list-type="arabic" id="li1"> <list-item><p>Initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min </p></list-item> <list-item><p>Thirty cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s </p></list-item> <list-item><p>Extension and final polymerization at 72°C</p></list-item> <list-item> <p>Staining with ethidium bromide</p> </list-item> </list> </p> <p>(Note that Ethidium bromide (EtBr) was used at 5 and 10 µg/mL and that GenTek and Pharmacopia were both suppliers.) </p><p> <list id="li1-1" list-type="arabic" continued-from="li1"> <list-item><p>Redenaturation and realignment for 50 s at 12°C</p> </list-item> </list> </p>B. The display (HTML or PDF)
The amplification profile was as follows:
- Initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min
- Thirty cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s
- Extension and final polymerization at 72°C
- Staining with ethidium bromide
- Note: Ethidium bromide (EtBr) was used at 5 and 10 µg/mL and that GenTek and Pharmacopia were both suppliers.
- Redenaturation and realignment for 50 s at 12°C, followed by staining with ethidium bromide, as in step 4, above