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Instructions for using this documentation

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article object

Bibliographic references

Element or context:

<ref-list>, <mixed-citation>, <ref>


In bibliographic references, it's important that all elements occur in the order of appearance in the display, and that punctuation and spacing be present and explicit, because these will not be generated by a style sheet.

About spaces: Any sequence of contiguous white space which is outside, or between, the child elements of a mixed-content element (such as <mixed-citation> and <string-name>) will be rendered as a single normal space. So a space, line break or tab, or any sequence of them, will display as a single space.

This means, for example, that you can set <surname> and <given-names> on separate lines, indented, and they will be separated by a single space in the UI. You can also break up a long run of text with line breaks in the XML. Each line break and any contiguous white space will be replaced by a single normal space.


  1. Put the entire reference list within <ref-list> and include the word "References" within <title>
  2. Put each reference within a single <ref> element with a unique id of the form "refg1"
  3. Put the the body of each reference within a <mixed-citation> element inside <ref> (See the example, below) and set the attribute 'publication-type' to the appropriate value, as follows:
    • journal
    • book
    • bulletin
    • conference
    • standard
    • thesis
    • web
    • data
  4. Give each <mixed-citation> element a unique id of the form "ref1"
  5. Put the authors' names within <person-group> with attribute 'person-group-type' set to "author"
  6. Within <person-group>, put individual names within <string-name> tags. However, if the author is actually a collaboration, such as an organization or working group, then put the name within <collab> (see Example 1, below)
  7. Put the surname in a <surname> element, and the given names within <given-names>; put a space after <surname> either by typing a space or carriage return
  8. If the author is anonymous, then use <anonymous> tags to enclose the word "anonymous"
  9. Include a comma and a space after each <string-name>, except for the last one. For the next-to-last name, include the word 'and' after the comma and space. Put a period after the <person-group> element
  10. If the author list includes "et al", then put the words "et al" in a <etal> element; do not include any leading or trailing spaces around the <etal> element
  11. If the year has a sequence letter after it (e.g., 2006a), then put the entire contents in <year>, but use the  attribute iso-8601-date attribute to contain the 4-digit year
  12. Put a period and a space after the <year> element
  13. Put a period and a space after a journal article title, which should be contained within <article-title>
  14. Contain the name of the journal or book within a <source> element and put a comma plus a space after <source>
  15. Put the volume within a <volume> tag and include a colon and a space after it if there is no issue number. If there is an issue number available, then put the issue in a <issue> element and put the <issue> element in parentheses, with the colon and space going after the parentheses
  16. Put the first and last pages of the reference within <fpage> and <lpage> tags, respectively, separated by an N-dash (&#x2013;); put a period and a space after the <lpage>
  17. If a publisher name and location are available for a book reference, then include them within <publisher-name> and <publisher-loc>, respectively; add a comma and space after <publisher-name> and a period after <publisher-loc>
  18. Put the doi within a <pub-id> element, with attribute 'pub-id-type' set to "doi". Precede the <pub-id> element for the DOI with an <x> element with attribute 'specific-use' set to "print" to contain "DOI: " (note the uppercase letters and the space after the colon)
  19. If a PubMed (Medline) id number is available for the reference, then put it in <pub-id> with attritute 'pub-id-type' set to "pmid". Precede the <pub-id> element for the PMID with an <x> element with attribute 'specific-use' set to "print" to contain "PMID: " (note the uppercase letters and the space after the colon)

Example 1

<ref id="refg1"><mixed-citation id="ref1" publication-type="journal"><person-group><collab>Canadian Council for Animal Care</collab>, and <string-name name-stype="western"><surname>Johnsson</surname> <given-names>HJ</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>1999</year>. <article-title>Genetic variation in <italic>Fitzroya cupressoides</italic> (alerce), a threatened South American conifer.</article-title>. <source>Molecular Ecology</source>, <volume>8</volume>(<issue>6</issue>): <fpage>975</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>987</lpage>. <x specific-use="print">DOI: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1046/j.1365-294x.1999.00650.x</pub-id> <x specific-use="print">PMID: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">10434418</pub-id></mixed-citation></ref>

Example 2

<ref id="refg2"><mixed-citation id="ref2" publication-type="journal"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name name-stype="western"><surname>Bandelt</surname> <given-names>HJ</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Forster</surname> <given-names>P</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>R&#x00F6;hl</surname> <given-names>A</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Smith</surname> <given-names>X</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Wesson</surname> <given-names>M</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Lemonjelo</surname> <given-names>EI</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Walsh</surname> <given-names>H</given-names></string-name>,<etal>et al</etal></person-group>. <year @iso-8601-date="1999">1999a</year>. <article-title>Median-joining networks for inferring intraspecific phylogenies.</article-title> <source>Genomics</source>, <volume>16</volume>(<issue>1</issue>): <fpage>37</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>48</lpage>. <x specific-use="print">DOI: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1036/gen1365-294x.1998.00650.x</pub-id> <x specific-use="print">PMID: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">10331250</pub-id></mixed-citation></ref>

Example 3

<ref id="refg16">
<mixed-citation id="ref16" publication-type="book"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name><surname>Fillion</surname> <given-names>G</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>2010</year>. <source>Reassessing the abundance of H3K9me2 chromatin domains in embryonic stem cells.</source>. <publisher-name>John Wiley</publisher-name>, <publisher-loc>New York</publisher-loc>. <x specific-use="print">DOI: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1038/ng0110-4</pub-id> <x specific-use="print">PMID: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">20037608</pub-id>.</mixed-citation>

Example 4

<ref id="refg4"><mixed-citation id="ref3" publication-type="journal"><person-group person-group-type="author"><anonymous>Anonymous</anonymous>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Haberle</surname> <given-names>SG</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Lumley</surname> <given-names>SH</given-names></string-name></person-group>, <year>2000</year><article-title>The last glacial-Holocene transition in southern Chile.</article-title><source>Science</source>, In press. <x specific-use="print">DOI: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1126/science.290.5490.325</pub-id> <x specific-use="print">PMID: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">11030648</pub-id></mixed-citation></ref>