Article metadata
Data accessibility statement
Element or context:
- Put the data accessibility statement within a <sec> element inside <back>. Note that this <sec> should occur after acknowledgements and before any supplementary material. See the order of elements in the example, below.
- Use attribute 'sec-type'="data-accessibility-statement"
<back> <sec> <glossary content-type="symbol-list"> <title>List of symbols</title> <def-list> <def-item><term><italic>A</italic></term><def><p>droplet cross-sectional area (m<sup>2</sup>)</p></def>/def-item> <def-item><term><italic>C</italic><sub>d</sub></term><def><p>drag coefficient</p></def></def-item> <def-item><term><italic>c</italic><sub>p</sub></term><def><p>fluctuating velocity (m/s)</p></def></def-item> <def-item><term><italic>C</italic><sub>s</sub></term> </def-list> </glossary> </sec> <ack> <title>Acknowledgements</title>
<p>The research was supported by the Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51321065), the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51339003), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20120032110045). The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of the editor and referees of this manuscript.</p>
</ack> <sec sec-type="data-accessibility-statement"> <title>Data accessibility statement</title> <p>All relevant data are within the paper.</p> </sec> <sec sec-type="supplementary-material">
<title>Supplementary material</title>
<p specific-use="print">The following Supplementary Material is available with the article through the journal website at doi:<ext-link ext-link-type="doi" xlink:href="10.1139/facets-2016-0048">10.1139/facets-2016-0048</ext-link>.</p>
<supplementary-material id="sm1" xlink:href="facets-2016-0048_supplement1.pdf" xlink:title="local-file">
<label>Supplementary Material 1 (PDF / 117 KB).</label>
<p>Detailed list of hardware for housing, product numbers for an online hardware retailer, and price at time of writing.</p>
<supplementary-material id="sm2" xlink:href="">
<label>Supplementary Material 2 (URL).</label>
<p>In this video we demonstrate all steps necessary to construct the underwater camera housing described in the note. Step numbers in the video correspond to each step in the supplementary material. Component labels correspond with labeling in <xref ref-type="fig" rid="f2">Fig. 2</xref>.</p> </caption>
<supplementary-material id="sm3" xlink:href="facets-2016-0048_supplement2.docx" xlink:title="local-file">
<label>Supplementary Material 3 (DOCX / 18.471 MB):</label>
Fully annotated construction guide, including photos demonstrating each step.</p>
</sec> <ref-list>....